Dev Log #1
To keep the track of the work done, motivate myself and keep people interested, it’s time to start a Dev Blog. Here’s the first one for the work done in the last few days, enjoy.
- Design of the Swarm Missiles weapon. Basically (as the name says) it launches a swarm of small missiles from the player ship and every one of them tracks random enemy. It may require an overhaul to make them more random with some sort of unnecessary crazy loops to compensate for their number. The design wasn’t too tough, each missile has a random frontward direction upon launch and a small delay before tracking starts. Every few moments, they change the target they locked on to so they move randomly in a natural, swirly manner.
- Design of the Randomizer (work title) weapon which shoots a lot of particles but to compensate for their number they move slowly in a random forward pattern and are fairly weak, but can protect you from swarms of smaller enemies. Pretty useless against big enemies though.
- Design of the Shield with regeneration timer and connection to the shield integrity bar. Still needs connecting to the heat transfer mechanism (when you get hit, shield takes the damage, but your heat level increases, energy transfer stuff).
- Design of the Auto Cannon Drone. It tracks closest enemy, rotates towards it and fires. If no enemies are present, it stops firing. Oh, it also follows player of course.
- Design of the Ripper, basically a manual shooting shotgun that sprays multiple bullet in a cone, that was pretty easy to make. It shoots as fast as you can click, deals a lot of damage it all bullets hit the target, but it heats a lot, so i have to disappoint you if you’re a Starcraft player with million clicks per minute and plan to win the game using Ripper only.
- Design of the Flak Cannon. Like the real Flak, it has proximity activated “fuse”. At a certain distance from the enemy it explodes and blasts into a lot of small pellets. Great against small enemies.
- Design of the Proximity Mines. Regular mines just floating in space were designed a while ago, but i decided to put a bit more challenging ones. When you get near one, it shoots a laser ray which locks on to your ship (doesn’t damage it though) and starts slowly moving towards you until you destroy it. I also designed the EMP mines that will work the same way, but deal less damage and mess up your screen with glitch effects. Also updated the mines with random rotation and blinking red light so they’re a bit more interesting looking and easier to spot.