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Month: July 2017

Backgrounds work

Backgrounds work

I bought this little fella ( a while ago but i never found time to play around with it. This weekend was very hot so i was mostly home and i’ve drawn a background for the game, hope you dig it. Took me a few hours.

7 ways to avoid burnout

7 ways to avoid burnout

Burn-out, in shortest possible, is a state of physical and mental exhaustion. Is is caused by too much work and stress, and not enough rest and sleep. It can lead to severe health problems, with the smallest one being clinical depression. Apparently, it is very common in game development professions. I started working on Rick Henderson And The Artifact Of Gods a year and a half ago. First, everything was going fine. Fueled by passion and motivation, i stayed late many…

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Dev Log #4

Dev Log #4

The Anatomy Of A Roguelike Endless Mode Endless Mode, for now, will be the backbone of the game. I don’t much like the term, but let’s call it Roguelike. For those not unacquainted with the term, it’s pretty simple. The basics of roguelike games are permadeath (which means you start all over when you die) and procedurally generated levels. Procedural is basically a fancy catch-phrase for controlled random. It means that the levels are made by parametrized procedures that keep the random…

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